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The Junior Athlete DanceSport Association was created to represent Junior & Youth DanceSport competitors in the United Sates. Our mission is to


Foster the spirit of good fellowship and sportsmanship among individuals involved in competitive Junior DanceSport within the United States.


Protect and advocate for the interests of junior athletes involved in competitive dancing within the United States.


Oppose any restrictive practices or regulations which seek to place barriers in the way of open junior athlete participation in international and domestic competitions.


Provide trainers, coaches, adjudicators and junior athletes with comprehensive and up-to-date information on all aspects of DanceSport through our JADA Academy educational programs and activities.


Further the goodwill and cooperation between the members of the Junior Athlete DanceSport Association, competition organizers, studio owners, coaches, and all other organizations involved in junior amateur DanceSport within the United States.


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